Mary and Henry McGranahan. My aunt and uncle.
Henry was my mom's brother, a plasterer by trade and a member of
Thayer's Band in Cleveland for years. A quiet, good man.
Mary was one who could talk and express her opinions. I always
liked her because when I went to her home in Canton I could feel at
home. If hungry, I'd say so and ask what she would have around
to eat. She got the idea I liked lemon pie and if she thought
I could stop she always managed to have a lemon pie on hand for me
to eat. I never told her I didn't particularly like lemon pie
and she was so good at baking the darned thing that I almost got to
liking lemon pie.
I was at their home in 1937 the night my uncle died and I recall the
undertaker removing him from the front door that night.
After his death my aunt helped me in getting furnishings for our
"new" home we purchased for $2500.00. She even purchased some
things herself and gave them to us. They were not new, nor
were they expensive, but they were needed and she greatly helped in
this way. She also gave us my uncle's Olds and I drove it for
some time. She was a friend when we had great need and I'll
never forget it.