Royal Manfull is one of my great benefactors as he was instrumental
in my obtaining the janitor's job at the Augusta Schools which I so
desperately needed and he also hired me in 1924 in the summer to
work on his farm. He was a church man, a gentleman and a nice
fellow to work for as he taught me many things. He is one of
the outstanding men in my life as without him I would not have been
able to accomplish many, many things.
Royal and Laura Manfull were both nice people and when I worked for
Royal they had two daughters,
Iola and Leota, but after I left the
Augusta area a son was born and he still is important in Augusta and
the Augusta church. I recall Royal as a teacher in the Augusta
Christian Church, and a good one, too. Very nice people,
substantial people. Royal's father was
George Manfull.