Open House to Honor Forrest, Iola DeVault
In observance of their 50th wedding anniversary,
Forrest and Iola DeVault of 8092 Andora Rd., Augusta, will be the
honored guests at an open house this Sunday, Nov. 8.
The open house will be held from 2-4:30 p.m. in the social room of
the Augusta Christian Church where the couple are members.
Forrest and the former Iola Manfull were married Nov. 12, 1937, by
the late Osborn Booth, pastor of the Augusta Christian Church, at
his home in Bethany, W. Virginia.
The couple are the proud parents of twins, Carol Sue Rex of Canton
and Sam of Atwood Lake, Dellroy. They have seven grandchildren
and one great-grandchild.
The couple requests no gifts.